La Perouse Glacier, Alaska Lake Formation Retreat Acceleration

La Perouse Glacier in 2018 and 2023 Landsat images indicating the six developing proglacial lakes (1-6). The lakes in 2023 have a combined area of 1.3 km2. Debris cover has expanded notably at Points D.

La Perouse Glacier flows from the Fairweather Range to the Pacific Coast. The glacier advanced to the coast in the mid-late 19th century and has remained tidewater on the coast since (Gaglioti et al 2019). I first saw this glacier in 1982 and its terminus stretched 3.5 km along the coast, a second terminus ended inland and was 3.2 km wide. Both of the terminus are piedmont fed by a significant accumulation area above 2300 m, that flows through a spectacular icefall from 1100 to 1800 m. This high accumulation zone helps make the glacier more resilent to warming temperature (Pelto, 1987). Berthier et al (2010) noted a ~0.5 m/loss average loss for glaciers in this region from 1962-2006, which has generated this retreat. The glacier because of its size and large piedmont lobe is slow to respond to climate change, 20 km2 coastal lobe and 10 km2 inland lobe.

La Perouse Glacier coastal terminus area indicating the three developing proglacial lakes, yellow arrows. False color Sentinal images.

Up to 2018 the coastal terminus was thinning, but had not experienced significant recession or proglacial lake development. There was significant marginal recession by 2018 exposing a forest overrun by the glacier in the 1860’s (Gaglioti et al 2019). In 2018 the inland terminus had developed 3 proglacial lakes wiyth a combined area of 0.4 km2. By 2023 the inland terminus lakes spread across 90% of the width of the terminus, with a combined area of 0.7 km2. In 2023 the main terminus had developed three proglacial lakes each, #1 at 0.12 km2, #2 at 0.16km2 and #3 at 0.36 km2. Lake #3 has numerous bergs indicating the ability to rapidly expand by calving, due to having a greater water depth. In just five years the debris covered area has expanded notably. This combination of expanding glacial lakes and debris cover is an indication of ongoing rapid decline. The changes here are simialr to that at nearby Brady Glacier and progressing on the same trend as Fingers Glacier. Look for further lake development in 2024 particularly in the coastal lobe.

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