Shamrock Glacier, Alaska Loses Terminus Tongue

shamrock glacier compare
Shamrock Glacier comparison in 1987 and 2014 Landsat images. Red arrow 1987 terminus, yellow arrow 2014 terminus, purple arrows upglacier thinning and purple dots the snowline. The terminus tongues extending into the lake has been lost.

Shamrock Glacier flows north from the Neacola Mountains into Chakachamna Lake in the Lake Clark National Park of Alaska. This lake is transited by several species of salmon, mainly sockeye, heading into spawning  areas upriver. The lake had been the site of a proposed hydropower plant, that would not have required building of a dam, but this project is currently not being developed. The National Park Service completed a Southwest Alaska Network mapping project that identified the changes of glaciers in the region. Lake Clark NP has 1740 glaciers which have lost 12% of their total area from 1950 to 2009 (Loso et al, 2014). Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1987 to 2014 to identify recent change of Shamrock Glacier.

shamrock glacier profile
July 2015 image looking across Shamrock Lake to Shamrock Glacier, taken by Jerry Pillarelli, note he has many more gorgeous images of area. The trimline on the far side of the glacier between sediment and vegetation indicates the 1950 margin. There is an elevation step several hundred meters inland of the terminus indicating Shamrock Lake will expand little.

In 1987 Shamrock Glacier had receded from a terminal moraine in Chakachamna Lake that it had terminated on in the 1950’s map. The new proglacial lake was less than 500 m across. The snowline was at 1200 m. In 2000 seen below the snowline was at 1350 m, and the terminus had narrowed more than it had retreated. By 2014 the terminus had retreated 900 m leaving the new Shamrock Lake within Chackachamna Lake. The new Shamrock Lake has an area of 4 square kilometers. This is the majority of the loss in glacier area since 1950 as well. In 2014 the snowline is quite high at 1450 m. A snowline that is consistently above 1300 m will drive continued retreat. Thinning upglacier is evident with expanded bedrock areas adjacent to the glacier margin above 1200 m at the purple arrows, indicating the snowline has been consistently higher than this. The retreat is similar to other glaciers in the region South Sheep Glacier, Sovereign Glacier and Fourpeaked Glacier.  With the glacier retreating out of the lake basin soon, the rate of retreat should decline.

shamrock glacier 2000
2000 Landsat image

shamrock glacier ge 2013
2013 Image of Shamrock Glacier, Shamrock Lake and Chakachamna Glacier.


Dawes Glacier, Alaska Retreat and Harbor Seals

dawes compare
Comparison of 1987 and 2015 Landsat images of Dawes Glacier. Red arrow 1987 terminus, yellow arrow 2015 terminus, pink arrow location where tributaries separated.

Dawes Glacier terminates at the head of Endicott Arm, a 55 km long fjord in southeast Alaska.  Dawes is a major outlet glacier of the Stikine Icefield.  Larsen et al (2007) observed a rapid thinning of the Stikine Icefield and that Dawes was thinning faster than all but Muir Glacier in Southeast Alaska during the 1948-2000 period. During the period from 1891 when first mapped and 1967 the glacier retreated 6.8 km (Molnia,2008). The retreat has been driven by rising snowlines in the region that has driven the retreat of North Dawes, Baird and Sawyer Glacier.

A comparison of 1987 and 2015 Landsat images illustrate recent retreat and thinning of the glacier.  The main terminus retreated 1100 m during this interval, a reduced rate from the previous period from 1978 to 1987 the glacier retreated 2.8 km. Key tributaries at the purple and green arrow each have a 30% decline in width.  At the pink arrows are three tributaries that fed the Dawes Glacier in 1987 and are now detached.  This fragmentation will continue.  The reduced inflow and up glacier thinning is ongoing as will the retreat.  A key mechanism for retreat over the last century has been calving.  The calving rate has declined of late, possibly due to reduced water depth. The 2007 Hydrographic map of the area indicates water depth at the calving front still over 100 m., with a depth of 150 m 1 km down fjord of the terminus (see bottom image). Examination of surface elevation portrayed in Google Earth indicate a relatively sharp rise near the first junction, the surface elevation being at 1400 feet.  The trimline is noted with blue arrows, note how much higher above the ice the tramline is at the terminus than at 1400 feet.  At this point the northern arm would appear to have a bed above sea level and the main arm at least a much shallower bed.  Pelto and Warren (1991) observed the calving rate reduction with water depth in the area.  Note the ogives, curved bands, on the northern arm that form once per year at the base of icefall due to seasonal velocity change. The glacier thinning is continuing, but the retreat rate will decline as the fjord head is approached.  As calving is reduced harbor seals will be disappointed as they like us are drawn to glaciers.

dawes ge 2013 copy

Google Earth image of Dawes Glacier in 2013. Blue arrows indicate trillion and number are elevation in feet.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has been monitoring harbor seals in the fjord and noting their use of icebergs and proximal glacier regions. The noted that females travel to pup on the icebergs in the spring and also utilize the are for mating. Because there was little information on where seals that use glacial habitat during pupping and mating season spend the remainder of the year, ADFG attached satellite tags to harbor seals to monitor their movements. In 2008 this data indicated that that adult and sub-adult seals captured in Endicott Arm early summer spent the late summer and fall months in Stephens Passage, Frederick Sound, Chatham Strait,  This study is in part prompted by a decline of harbor seals in the Glacier Bay region where they also utilize icebergs, as NPS biologist Jamie Womble explained at the AGU 2015 meetin

dawes 1978

1978 Landsat image, blue arrow 1978 terminus, red arrow 1987 terminus and 2015 terminus yellow arrow.  Note the improvement in the Landsat imagery.



Fingers Glacier, Alaska loses a finger to melting

finger compare
Landsat comparison of terminus area of Fingers Glacier 1986 and 2015

Fingers Glacier flows from the southern end of the Fairweather Range to the coastal plain, where is expands into a segmented piedmont lobe. The southernmost finger is heavily debris covered. In the Mount Fairweather B-4 quadrangle USGS map based on 1951 aerial photographs the glacier has four prominent fingers each eroding its own basin.  Here we examine Landsat imagery to illustrate the changes in this glacier from 1951 to 2015.  From 1950-1980  glacier’s just to the north In Lituya Bay were advancing. The La Perouse Glacier its immediate neighbor to the north was stable. Palma Glacier directly to the southeast has retreated throughout the 1950-2015 period.  Larsen et al (2015) identify that from 1994-2013 this region of Alaska is a significant source of glacier volume loss and hence contributor to sea level rise.  The loss of 75 gigatons per year from glaciers in southern Alaska was determined in this study to be largely from surface melt not from calving losses.  The mass balance of both Taku and Lemon Creek Glacier of the Juneau Icefield have had a notable decline in mean mass balance from 1986-2015 versus the 1951-28985 period (Pelto et al, 2013).  The nearby Brady Glacier also experience a higher snowline (Pelto et al, 2013b) which led to volume losses quantified by Larsen et al (2015).
fingers map

USGS map based on 1951 images

By 1986 the glacier still had four fingers with retreat from the 1951 position yellow arrow to the 1986 position red arrows.  Retreat was 900 m for the first finger, 400 m for the second finger, 300 meters for the third and 400 meters for the fourth southernmost finger.   A new lake had developed at the second finger, well lake expansion occurred at the first and third finger.  By 1999 a lake is beginning to form at the fourth finger.  In 2015 the first finger has retreated 600 meters in 30 years.  The second finger has disappeared after a 700 m retreat from 1986-2015..  The third finger has lost half of its length to the expanding lake, a retreat of 600 m in 30 years.  The fourth finger which is the most debris covered, leading to slower thinning, has retreated 600 meters since 1986, with a lake at the terminus that is continuing to expand.

fingers 1986

1986 Landsat Image

fingers 1999

1999 Landsat Image

fingers 2015

2015 Landsat Image
fingers glacier

Google Earth Image indicating flowlines.

Slender Glacier, Brooks Range, Alaska: Rapid Retreat 1992-2014

Slender Glacier is not an official name, but a well suited name to this glacier in the Romanzof Mountains of the Brooks Range of Northern Alaska.  It is adjacent to the Okpilak Glacier and drains into the Okpilak River, which is host to arctic grayling. Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1992-2014 to identify changes. U-Alaska-Fairbanks has an ongoing program in the nearby Jarvis Creek Watershed examining in part how will the anticipated future increase in glacier wastage and permafrost degradation affect lowland hydrology.  Matt Nolan (U-AK-Fairbanks) reports on changes of nearby McCall and Okpilak Glacier. These glacier have suffered increased mass loss since 1990 as a result of an increase in the equilibrium line altitude that has reduced accumulation area and is indicative of increased ablation (Delcourt al , 2008)

USGS 1951 map

In 1992 the glacier extended downvalley to the red arrow at 1530 m. The glacier also received contribution from a tributary glacier at Point A. By 2002 the glacier had receded a short distance from the red arrow and still received input from the tributary glacier at Point A. By 2013 the glacier had receded to the yellow arrow 1100 meters from the 1992 terminus position, and now terminates at an altitude of 1675 m. The tributary glacier is no longer connected to Slender Glacier at Point A. The percent of snowcover is better than on Okpilak Glacier immediately to the west, or East Okpilak Glacier to the southeast. The first tributary entering the glacier on the east side is also disconnecting from Slender Glacier.   In 2014 the Landsat image is after a light snowfall that has endured only on the glacier ice, helping outline the glaciers. The continued decline in retained snowfall and contributed snowfall from tribuatry glaciers will lead to an even more slender glacier.

slender glacier 1992
1992 Landsat Image

slender glacier 2002
2002 Landsat Image

slender glacier 2013
2013 Landsat Image

slender glacier 2014
2014 Landsat Image

Google Earth images from 2006 and 2012 indicate a rapid retreat of the thin main terminus, and the loss of contact with the tributary glacier at Point A. The retreat is similar to that of Fork Glacier and Romanzof Glacier in the same region. The retained snowcover in 2012 is minimal on Slender Glacier and its tributaries. Tributary A lost almost all snowcover in 2012 and 2013 suggesting a lack of a consistent accumulation zone, which a glacier cannot survive without (Pelto, 2010)

slender comparison
2006 Google Earth Image and 2012 Google Earth image

Retreat of Grewingk Glacier, Alaska 1986-2014

Grewingk Glacier drains west toward the Kachemak Bay, Alaska terminating in a proglacial lake in Kachemak Bay State Park.  The glacier drains an icefield on the Kenai Peninsula, glaciers draining west are in the Kenai Fjords National Park. The glaciers that drain east toward are in the Kenai Fjords National Park, which has a monitoring program.  Giffen et al (2008) observed the retreat of glaciers in the region. From 1950-2005 all 27 glaciers in the Kenai Icefield region examined  are retreating. Giffen et al (2008)observed that Grewingk Glacier retreated 2.5 km from 1950-2005.  Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1986-2014 to illustrate the retreat of the glacier.  The icefront continues to calve into the expanding pro-glacial lake.

grewingk map

1951 based USGS Topographic map Seldovia C-3

The red arrow is the 1986 terminus location at the midpoint, the yellow arrow is the 2014 mid-point terminus location. In 1951 the glacier extended beyond the peninsula at the red arrow into the wider portion of the lake. By 1986 the glacier had retreated into the narrow section of the lake extending east into the mountains, the southern margin of the terminus is further advanced than the northern margin.  The orange dots indicate discoloration of the glacier surface from volcanic ash deposited on the glacier surface from Augustine Volcano in 1986. In 1989 there is not a marked change. In a 1996 Google Earth image, there is considerable icebergs indicating a recent collapse of a section of the terminus. The pink arrow indicates concentric crevasses, indicating a depression, the red line is the terminus in 1996 and the brown line the 2003 terminus.

By 2001 the terminus has retreated m, and the glacier front is now oriented north-south across the lake. In 2003 the depression from 1996 now has a small supraglacial lake, the terminus has retreated 500 m on the southern margin and 200 m on the northern margin. In 2013 the glacier has retreated an additional 600 m and the southern margin has now receded further upvalley than the northern margin. Blue arrows indicate direction of glacier flow.  By 2014 the glacier has retreated 1.4 km since 1986, 50 m per year. There is an increase in the glacier slope 2.5 km above the terminus where crevassing increases.  This suggests the lake will end by or at this point, which would then lead to a reduction in retreat rate.

This retreat follows that of Pederson Glacier, Four-Peaked Glacier and Spotted Glacier. The continued reduction in glacier size leads to changes to the Kachemak Bay estuary. Kachemak Bay is the largest estuarine reserve in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. It is one of the most productive, diverse estuaries in Alaska, with an abundance of Steller sea lions, seals, sea otters, five species of Pacific salmon, halibut,herring, dungeness crabs and king crabs (NERRS, 2009). The estuary salmon fishing industry is, one of Kachemak Bay’s most important resources and livelihoods.

grewingk Glacier 1986a
1986 Landsat Image

Grewingk 1989
1989 Landsat Image

grewingk 1996 ge
1996 Google Earth Image

grewingk glacier 2001
2001 Landsat Image

grewingk 2003 ge
2003 Google Earth Image

grewingk glacier 2013a
2013 Landsat Image

grewingk glacier 2014
2014 Landsat Image



Widespread Retreat Gilkey Glacier System, Alaska

Gilkey Glacier drains the west side of the Juneau Icefield and has experienced widespread significant changes since I first worked on the glacier in 1981.    Here we examine the changes from the August 17, 1984 Landsat 5 image to the August 21, 2014 image from newly launched Landsat 8.  Landsat 5 was launched in 1984, Landsat 8 launched in 2013. The Landsat images have become a key resource in the examination of the mass balance of these glaciers (Pelto, 2011). The August 17th 1984 image is the oldest Landsat image that I consider of top quality. I was on the Llewellyn Glacier with the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) on the east side of the icefield the day this image was taken. JIRP was directed by Maynard Miller at that time and by Jeff Kavanauagh now. The Gilkey Glacier is fed by the famous Vaughan Lewis Icefall at the top of which JIRP has its Camp 18 and has monitored this area for 60 years. Here I examine changes both in images and text below. The same analysis in a more depth is contained in the screen capture video of the same images.  Choose the format you prefer and let me know which works for you.

There are seven locations noted in the 1984 and 2014 image that are the focus of more discussion in a set of three more focused images


1984 Landsat Image

Gilkey Glacier 2014 source

2014 Landsat image

Arrow #1 indicates the Gilkey Glacier terminus  area.  Gilkey Glacier had begun to retreat into a proglacial lake by 1984, the lake was still just 1 km long. A short distance above the terminus the Gilkey was joined by the sizable tributaries of the Thiel and Battle Glacier. By 2014 the main glacier terminus has retreated 3200 m, the lake is now 4 km long.  A lake that did not exist in USGS maps from 1948. Thiel and Battle Glacier have separated from the Gilkey Glacier and from each other. Thiel Glacier retreated 2600 m from its junction with Gilkey Glacier from 1984-2014 and Battle Glacier 1400 m from its junction with Thiel Glacier and 3500 m from the Gilkey Glacier.  Melkonian et al (2013) note the fastest thinning in the Gilkey Glacier system from to is near the terminus and in the lower several kilometers of Thiel Glacier.

Gilkey terminus retreat

Above: 1984-2014 Comparison of Gilkey Glacier terminus area with Landsat imagery

Arrow #3 and #4 indicates valleys which tongues of the Gilkey Glacier flow into.  In 1984 at #3 the glacier extended 1.6 km upvalley ending where the valley split. The portion of the Gilkey flowing into the valley had a medial moraine in its center.  At arrow #4 the glacier extended 1.5 km up Avalanche Canyon.  In 2014 at  #3 the glacier tongue ends 1.2 km from the valley split, and the medial moraine does not enter the valley.  At #4 the glacier has retreated 1.3 km, leaving this valley nearly devoid of a glacier.

avalanche canyon retreat

Above: Comparison of the Avalanche Canyon area 1984-2014.

Further upglacier arrow #5 indicates a side glacier that in 1984 featured an unending system of glacier flowing down the steep mountain sides into the valley bottom.  By 2014 two rock ribs extend along most of the east and west valley walls separating the glaciers on mountain side from the main valley glacier, which has as a result been reduced in width and velocity. At arrow #6 a tributary glacier is seen merging with Gilkey Glacier in 1984.  By 2014 this tributary no longer reaches the Gilkey Glacier, ending 300 m up the valley wall.  At arrow #7 the Little Vaughan Lewis Icefall in 1984 is seen merging with the Gilkey Glacier across a 300 m wide front.  This I can attest from seeing the glacier that summer to be an accurate observation.  By 2014 at arrow #7 the Little Vaughan Lewis Icefall no longer feeds ice directly to the Gilkey Glacier.  There is still avalanching but not  a direct flow connection. JIRP has Camp 19 in this area, a spectacular area of ongoing research by JIRP.   The main Vaughan Glacier Icefall is still impressive, just south of the rib beyond arrow #7. Measurements of snowpack are made annually by JIRP above the icefall, and indicate a mean snow depth exceeding 3 m in early August, note image below of measuring annual snow layers in a crevasse at head of the icefall. Pelto et al (2013) summarize the results of this ongoing research that Chris McNeil (USGS) is working to enhance with newer technology.  The terminus change of all Juneau Icefield glaciers from 1984-2013 has been summarized in a previous post. The 2015 season will be of interest, since the area had a remarkably warm yet wet winter.  This will lead to high ablation at lower elevations, likely a higher snowline than usual, but above the Vaughan Lewis Icefall will those warm wet events dumped snow? The 2014 winters season was warm and the snowline seen in the 2014 satellite imagery was at 1500 m, yet snowpack at 1760 m on the Vaughan Lewis Glacier was 3.3 m deep in late July.  This has been the case in the past with warm wet winters featuring heavy snow above 1600 meters on the icefield. JIRP will be in the field answering this question in 2015.

little vaughan

Above: Comparison 1984-2014 of the Vaughan Lewis Glacier area


Crevasse stratigraphy Vaughan Lewis Glacier.

Demise of Antler Glacier, Juneau Icefield, Alaska

“What is wrong with this map?” . Was my first comment about the Antler Glacier in 1981, while surveying the geology in the region with the Juneau Icefield Research Program, during light snow flurries in August.  The map I had was the most up to date USGS topographic map based on 1948 images, indicating Antler Glacier terminating in a small lake.  By 1981 the lake was quite long and the glacier no longer reached it, though this was not perfectly evident  through the snow flurries. If I returned to the same location today, looking  at the updated USGS topographic map from 1979 my comment would be the same.  Climate is changing our glaciers and our maps of these regions. The Antler Glacier is an outlet glacier of the Juneau Icefield. It is actually a distributary glacier of the Bucher Glacier. It splits from the Bucher Glacier 8.5 km above where the Bucher Glacier joins the Gilkey Glacier as a tributary. In 1948 it spilled over the lip of the Antler River valley from the Bucher Glacier and flowed 6 kilometers downvalley to end in a proglacial lake. The glacier was 6200 m long in 1948, red arrow is 1984 terminus, yellow arrow indicates 2014 terminus.  Here we examine satellite imagery from 1984 to 2014 to identify changes in the Antler and other small glaciers in the area.

Antler_Glacier map

USGS map showing 1948 position of Antler Glacier.

antler 1985 map


Antler Glacier in 1979

In each Landsat image the arrows indicate the same location, red arrow 1984 Antler Glacier terminus location, yellow arrow 2014 terminus of Antler Glacier, green arrow small glacier adjacent to Antler Glacier and purple arrow tributary glacier to Antler glacier.  In 1984 Antler Glacier no longer reached Antler Lake which had expanded from a length of 1.6 km  in 1948 to 4.2 km. The glacier was still 2.7 km long. Though I was in the area in 1984 I did not see Antler Glacier.  The small glacier at the green arrow terminated at the edge of a small lake.  The tributary at the purple arrow joined the Bucher Glacier.  By 1997 the lower 2 km of the Antler Glacier were gone and the glacier ended near the base of the steep eastern entrance to the valley. The glacier at the green arrow no longer reached the lake and at the purple arrow the tributary has separated from Bucher Glacier.  By 2013 Antler Glacier extended only 400-500 m over the lip of the valley entrance from Bucher Glacier.   The glacier at the purple arrow was separated by more than a kilometer from the Bucher Glacier.  There is little change of course from 2013 to 2014, Antler Glacier has retreated 2.2 km since 1984 and 5.8 km since 1948.  The small glacier at the green arrow has receded 300 m from the lake shore.  The former Bucher tributary at the purple arrow now terminates 1.4 km from Bucher Glacier. 

The lake is gorgeous, and the valley once filled by the glacier is now nearly devoid of glacier input. The retreat is largely a result of reduced flow from the thinning Bucher Glacier which no longer spills over the valley lip significantly. As the Bucher Glacier continues to thin, the Antler Glacier will cease to exist. This thinning is due to increased ablation of the glacier.  The mass balance loss at nearby Lemon Creek Glacier from 1953-2011 was -26.6 m  Pelto et al (2013), this equals a thinning of at least 29 m.  Gilkey Glacier which is fed by Bucher Glacier has retreated  3.2 km from 1984-2013 and  4 km from 1948-2013 (Pelto, 2013).  Continued losses and separation of tributaries from the Bucher Glacier could lead to formation of glacier dammed lakes such as on Tulsequah Glacier.   The Juneau Icefield Research Program directed by Jeff Kavanaugh will again be in the field in 2015., I will be interested to see their observations after the exceptionally warm but wet winter in the regioneantler glacier 1984



1984 Landsat image

antler glacier 1997

1997Landsat image


antler glacier 2013a

2013 Landsat image

antler glacier 2014









2014 Landsat image 

Carbon Lake Glacier Retreat, Alaska

On Baranof Island in southeast Alaska there are a pair of unnamed glaciers at the headwaters of the Carbon Lake watershed, that then drains into Chatham Strait.  Here we examine changes in these glacier from 1986 to 2014 using Landsat imagery.  The blue arrow indicates the northern glacier terminus and the yellow arrow the southern glacier terminus region.

carbon lake ge

In 1986 the southern glacier terminus, yellow arrow consisted of three main tributaries combining to form a low sloped terminus region.  The northern glacier had a single terminus.  By 1997 a lake has formed at the southern glacier, which now has two separate termini, the red arrow indicates a new terminus area and the pink arrow the eastern portion of this glacier.  The northern glacier, blue arrow, is retreating but still joined.  By 2014 the southern glacier has separated into three parts.  There is a terminus at the red arrow, this represents a 900 m retreat since 1986.  This portion of the glacier has further separated since 1997 into two parts.  The eastern glacier, pink arrow has retreated 700 m since 1986.  The new alpine lake is 600 m long.  The northern glacier, blue arrow, has separated into two main termini and the glacier has retreated 200 m.   The retreat of these glaciers paralells the observed losses of other smaller glacier in the region most notably Lemon Creek Glacier, which is a World Glacier Monitoring Service reference glacier, 30 km west on the edge of the Juneau Icefield.  Another nearby example is Sinclair Glacier.  Lemon Creek Glacier has lost more than 25 m of glacier thickness during the 1953-2014 period when its mass balance has been observed by the Juneau Icefield Research Program, and has retreated more than 1 km.

carbon lake 1986
1986 Landsat image Carbon Lake Glaciers
carbon lake 1997
1997 Landsat image Carbon Lake Glaciers
carbon lake 2014
2014 Landsat image of Carbon Glacier



Nizina Glacier Retreat, Lake Formation, Alaska

If you have heard of Nizina Glacier in the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska it is probably because you have contemplated a float trip down the Nizina River from Nizina Lake.  In 1990 there was no lake, since 2000 the lake has provided a good location for float planes to land.  In 2014 the lake has reached a new maximum in size and minimum in icebergs on its surface.  Here we examine Landsat imagery form 1990-2014 to identify changes in the Nizina Glacier.  The main tributary of the Nizina Glacier is Regal Glacier indicated by the dark blue flow arrows.  The light blue flow arrows are from the Rohn Glacier tributary that no longer reaches the terminus area.

nizina ge

Google Earth image

In each image the yellow arrow marks the 1990 terminus, red arrow the 2014 terminus location and pink arrows the summer snowline.  In 1990 the glacier had narrow sections of fringing lake evident, though the glacier reached the southern shore of the developing lake at yellow arrow.  By 1995 the lake had developed to a width of 100-300 m fringing the shoreline around the terminus of Nizina Glacier.  In 1999 the main lake has developed and is 1.6 km long and 1.3 km wide though it is still largely filled with icebergs.  In 2013 there are a few icebergs left in the lake.  In August, 2014 the lake is free of icebergs for the first time, which does mean more will not form. The lake is 1.4 km wide and 2.3 km long.  The glacier has retreated 2.1 km from 1990 to 2014, a rate of 150 m per year, red arrow marks 2014 terminus. A close up view of the terminus in Google Earth from 2012 indicates numerous icebergs but also substantial rifts, green arrows, that will lead to further iceberg production and retreat.  The snowline in this late July or early August images is typically at 1800-1900 m, pink arrow, with a month still left in the melt season. The retreat of this glacier is similar to that of glaciers in the Talkeetna Range to the west South Sheep Glacier and Sovereign Glacier and Valdez Glacier to the south.

nizina glacier 1990

1990 Landsat image


nizina glacier 1995

nizina glacier 19991995 Landsat image

nizina glacier 1999

1999 Landsat image

nizina glacier 2013

2013 Landsat image

nizina glacier 2014

2014 Landsat image

nizina lake 2012

Google Earth image 2012


Davidson Glacier Retreat, Alaska

Davidson Glacier is a large glacier that flows east from the Chilkat Range to the foreland along Chilkat Inlet and Lynn Canal in southeast Alaska. As a result it has a long history of observation of change. Molnia (2008) noted that from 1889 to 1946 the glacier retreated 400 m and a lake had developed at the terminus. By 1978 the glacier had retreated another 700 m with the proglacial lake at the terminus further expanding. Molnia (2008) futher observed a 700 m retreat by 2004. Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1993 to 2014 to identify recent changes of the glacier.

davidson map
USGS map

davidson ge
Google Earth Image

In 1984 the glacier terminated at the end of a peninsula extending from the south side of the proglacial lake, red arrow. The purple arrow is the snowline at 1100 m. The orange arrows indicate two tributaries feeding the main glacier. By 2001 the terminus has retreated 500 m into a narrower western section of the lake. In 2004 the snowline is at 1250 m, leaving little accumulation area. In 2009 the snowline is at 1200 m. The terminus has retreated from the proglacial lake. In 2013 the snowline is at 1100 m, there is a river connecting the terminus at the yellow arrow to the proglacial lake. The glacier no longer reaches the foreland having retreated into a mountain valley. In 2014 the snowline was at 1300 m at the start of August with a month left in the melt season. The two tributaries at the orange arrows only have a thin connection to the main glacier. The terminus has retreated 800 meters from 1984 to 2014. The retreat will continue due to the high snowlines in recent years and tributary separation. The retreat is less than most nearby glaciers such as Sinclair Glacier or Ferebee Glacier, just east across Lynn Canal.

Johnson et al (2013) compare changes in Davidson and Casement Glaciers that share a flow divide at 1200 m, Casement Glacier flows west and Davidson Glacier flows east. Both glaciers thinned at a rate of 1 m per year at the flow divide from 1995-2011. This is an indication of the high snowlines and negative glacier mass balance. Casement Glacier had a much greater thinning below 600m than Davidson Glacier, which leads to greater retreat. The difference is that Davidson Glacier has a steeper gradient from the terminus than most glaciers. davidson 1984
1984 Landsat image
davidson 2001
2001 Landsat image
davidson 2004
2004 Landsat image
daidson 2009
2009 Landsat image
davidson 2013
2013 Landsat image
davidson 2014
2014 Landsat image

Sinclair Glacier Retreat, Alaska

Sinclair Mountain is on the east side of the Lynn Canal in southeast Alaska. The mountains hosts too substantial glacier, the south flowing unnamed glacier is referred to here as Sinclair Glacier. This glacier terminated in a lake in the 1982 map of the Skagway region. I observed this glacier from the air in 1982 and it was ending in this lake. Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1984 to 2014 to identify changes. sinclair map
USGS Skagway map
Sinclair ge
Google Earth Image

In 1984 the glacier ended at a prominent peninsula in the lake, red arrow in each image, the lake was 1700 m long. The snowline was at 950 m, indicated by the purple arrow, this was at the end of the melt season. The glacier was joined by two tributaries from the west side, orange arrows. In 1986 there is a small amount of terminus retreat visible. By 2001 the glacier has retreated out of the lake, which is 2.9 km long. By 2004 the southern tributary at the orange arrow is no longer connected to the glacier. The glacier has retreated 1.3 km from 1984-2004. The snowline is at 950 m with a month left in the melt season. In 2009 the image is not great quality, but the northern tributary is still connected to the main glacier by a thin tongue of ice at an icefall at 850 m. By 2013 the northern tributary is no longer connected to the main glacier, there is bare rock extending across the full width of the former icefall area. In 2014 the image is from the end of July and the snowline is already above 950 m. It is evident that the glacier will lose nearly all of its snowcover by the end of the melt season on October 10th. The glacier has retreated 900 meters since 2004, and 2.2 km since 1984. The recent loss of tributaries indicates less contribution of ice to the glacier and that retreat will continue. This retreat is the same as that of nearby Field Glacier, Meade Glacier and Ferebee Glacier.
sinclair 1984

1984 Landsat image
sinclair 1986
1986 Landsat image
sinclair 2001
2001 Landsat image
sinclair 2004
2004 Landsat image
sinclair 2009
2009 Landsat image
sinclair 2013
2013 Landsat image
sinclair 2014
2014 Landsat image

Sovereign Glacier Retreat, Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska

Sovereign Glacier is on the northeast side of the Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska and drains into the Talkeetna River. The Sovereign Glacier, red arrow, was joined by a tributary from the south in the map image, pink arrow. Molnia (2007) noted that all glaciers in the region have retreated since the early 1950’s when the area was mapped and that all the major termini were retreating and thinning in 2000. Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1986 to 2014.
In 1986 the glacier terminates at the red arrow at the valley junction. The tributary to the south, pink arrow has separated from the main glacier and ends in a proglacial lake. In 1989 retreat is evident during the last three years with an expanding proglacial lake at the pink arrow, and the glacier terminus no longer reaching the valley junction, red arrow. By 2001 the glacier has retreated most of the distance from the red arrow at the 1986 terminus location to the yellow arrow, the 2014 terminus location. The former tributary glacier has receded from the proglacial lake. In 2009 there are two new outcrops of bedrock in the upper portion of the glacier indicating glacier thinning near the equilibrium line at 2000 m, at green arrow. By 2014 the main glacier has retreated 1100 m from the 1986 position, red arrow, to the yellow arrow. The tributary glacier at the pink arrow has retreated 400 m since 1986. The green arrow indicates further thinning of the upper glacier since 2009. The thinning upglacier indicates that retreat will continue. The retreat parallels that of nearby South Sheep River Glacier. This thinning in the upper glacier is similar to that of Lemon Creek Glacier as well (Pelto et al, 2013).
sovereign Glacier 1986
1986 Landsat image
sovereign Glacier 1989
1989 Landsat image

sovereign Glacier 2001
2001 Landsat image

sovereign Glacier 2009
2009 Landsat image

sovereign Glacier 2014
2014 Landsat image