Brady Glacier, Alaska 2016 Early Melt Season & Lake Expansion

brady lake compare 2016

Comparison of Brady Glacier in 1986 and 2016 Landsat images.  The snowline is similar in May 2016 and August 1986. Lakes noted are: A=Abyss, B=Bearhole, D=Dixon, N=North Deception, O=Oscar, Sd=South Dixon, Sp=Spur, T=Trick.

Brady Glacier,  is a large Alaskan tidewater glacier, in the Glacier Bay region that is beginning a period of substantial retreat Pelto et al (2013). In 2016 the melt season has been intense for the Brady Glacier in Alaska. Pelto et al (2013) noted that the end of season observed transient snowline averaged 725 m from 2003-2011, well above the 600 m that represents the equilibrium snowline elevation. On May 20, 2016 the transient snowline (TSL) is at 500 m. Typically the TSL reaches 500 m in early July: 7/13/2004=530; 7/8/2005=550, 7/3/2006=500, 7/22/2007=520, 7/3/2009=500; 7/10/2013=500. The high early season snowline is indicative of an early opening and filling of the many proglacial lakes that secondary termini of the glacier end in. The lakes Trick, North Deception, Dixon, Bearhole, Spur, Oscar, and Abyss continue to evolve. In addition two new lakes have developed. The changes are evident in a comparsion of 1986 and 2016 Landsat images. The TSL on May 20/2016 is remarkably similar to the August 20, 1986 TSL.
base figure

2010 Landsat image of the glacier indicating the 1948 margin in Orange and the 2016 margin in yellow. Lakes noted are: A=Abyss, B=Bearhole, D=Dixon, N=North Deception, O=Oscar, S=Spur, T=Trick.

There is a consistent pattern in the change in position of the glacier margin at each of the lakes between 1948 and 2010. The rate of retreat of the glacier margin at all seven lakes accelerated later during this period; the mean retreat rate is 13 m/a from 1948 to 2004 and 42 m/a  from 2004 to 2010 (Pelto et al, 2013). Lake area and calving fronts were measured for each lake: Spur, Abyss, North Deception, Bearhole, Oscar, and East Trick based on the September 2010 imagery, with earlier measurements from Capps et al. (2010). Lake areas have increased as a result of glacier retreat, and can decrease due to declines in surface water levels as previously ice-dammed conduits form to drain the lake. Lake water levels have fallen in Abyss, Bearhole, Dixon, North Deception, Spur, and Trick since 1948 Capps et al (2010). Only Oscar Lake, the most recent to form, has maintained its surface level. Retreat of the glacier margin has been greatest at Bearhole, North Deception Lake, and Oscar Lake, which as a consequence have expanded substantially in area. Lake water level declines at Abyss, Spur, and Trick have offset the increase in area resulting from glacier retreat, leading to small changes in lake area. The seven lakes have changed dramatically in response to this acceleration in retreat.

Trick Lakes: In 1986 North and South Trick Lake are proglacial lakes in contact with the glacier. By 2016 the two lakes are no longer in contact with the glacier, water levels have fallen and a third lake East Trick Lake has formed. The more recently developed East Trick Lake is the current proglacial Trick Lake, a large glacier river exits this lake and parallels the glacier to the main Brady Glacier terminus, going beneath the glacier for only several hundred meters.

trick 2014

2014 Google Earth image of Trick Lakes, and the glacier river exiting to the main terminus, purple arrows.

North Deception Lake had a limited area in 1986 with no location more than 500 m long. By 2016 retreat has expanded the lake to a length over 2 km. The width of the glacier margin at North Deception Lake will not change in the short term, but the valley widens 2 km back from the current calving front, thus the lake may grow considerably in the future.

South Dixon Lake This new lake does not have an official name. It did not exist in 1986, 2004, 2007 or 2010. It is nearly circular today and 400 m in diameter.

Dixon Lake: It is likely that retreat toward the main valley of the Brady Glacier will lead to increased water depths at Dixon Lake, observations of depth of this lake do not exist. Retreat from 1986 to 2016 has been 600 m.

Bearhole LakeBearhole Lake is expanding up valley with glacier retreat, and there are no significant changes in the width of the valley that would suggest a significant increase in calving width could occur in the near future. Currently the lake is 75 m deep at the calving front and there has been a 1400 m retreat since 1986 Capps et. al. (2013).

Spur Lake:It is likely that retreat toward the main valley of the Brady Glacier will lead to increased water depths at Spur Lake. the depth has fallen as the surface level fell from 1986-2016 as the margin retreated 600 m, leaving a trimline evident in the 2016 imagery.

Oscar Lake has experienced rapid growth with the collapse of the terminus tongue. Depth measurements indicate much of the calving front which has increased by an order of magnitude since 1986 is over 100 m. The tongue as seen in 2014 Google Earth image will continue to collapse and water depth should increase as well. The central narrow tongue has retreated less than 200 m since 1986, but the majority of the glacier front has retreated more than 1 km since 1986.

oscar 2014

Google Earth image of Oscar Lake, illustrating the number of large icebergs of this ongoing terminus collapse.

Abyss Lake: Continued retreat will lead to calving width expansion> The retreat from 1986 to 2016 has been 400 m. The water depth has been above 150 m at the calving front for sometime and should remain high.

Glacier thinning and retreat near the lakes dammed by Brady Glacier have led to changes in the widths of calving fronts between. The combined increase in the width of the six secondary calving fronts is 34% from 1948 to 2004, and 15% from 2004 to 2010 (Pelto et al, 2013) With the inclusion of South Dixon Lake and continued expansion of Dixon and Oscar Lake the calving width has continued to increase up to 2016. Calving widths at Bearhole Lake, Spur Lake, and Trick Lake will not change appreciably. Spur Lake and Trick Lake parallel the margin of the glacier, and although this margin will likely continue to recede, the length of the depression filled by the two lakes probably will not change.

Water depth is an important factor affecting the calving rate of glaciers in lacustrine environments; velocity and calving rate increase with water depth by a factor of 3.6 (Skvarca et al., 2002). Capps et. al. (2013) determined the bathymetry and calving depths of five of the lakes at Brady Glacier. Water depths increase toward the calving fronts at Abyss Lake, Bearhole Lake, Oscar Lake, and Trick Lake; only at North Deception Lake does the water not currently become deeper towards the calving front; however it almost certainly will as the east margin moves into the main Brady Glacier valley. The observations suggest that mean calving depths of proglacial lakes, at least in the short term, will increase with continued retreat. Increases in calving width and depth will lead to increased calving at the secondary termini in the near future (Pelto et al, 2013).

Harris Glacier Retreat, Kenai Fjords, Alaska

harris compare

Landsat images of Harris Glacier from 1986 and 2015.  The red arrow indicates 1986 terminus location, yellow arrow the 2015 terminus position.  The orange arrow indicates a key eastern tributary and the pink arrow a smaller eastern tributary. 

Harris Glacier flows from the northwest corner of the Harding Icefield, Alaska and it drains into Skilak Lake.  The glaciers that drain east toward are in the Kenai Fjords National Park, which has a monitoring program.  Giffen et al (2014) observed the retreat of glaciers in the region. From 1950-2005 all 27 glaciers in the Kenai Icefield region examined  are retreating. Giffen et al (2014) observed that Harris Glacier (A Glacier) retreated 469 m from from 1986-2005.  Here we examine Landsat imagery from 1986-2015 to illustrate the retreat of this glacier and other upglacier changes. The glacier supplies meltwater to Skilak Lake which is a critical salmon habitat for the Kenai. Chinook Salmon spawn on a section of the Kenai River between Kenai Lake and Skilak Lake. With Skilak Lake being the resulting home for ninety percent of the salmon fry for the Kenai River, and with the most of any nursery in the Cook Inlet area. Escapements of chinook in the Kenai River exceed 50,000 annually in two runs (Heard et al 2007).

In 1986 the glacier extended to an elevation of 590 m, on the east side of the glacier there were two smaller tributaries reaching the glacier at the orange and pink arrow.  By 2015 the terminus had retreated 600 m from 1986.  The eastern tributary at the pink arrow had detached from the main glacier.  The tributary at the orange arrow still reaches the main glacier, but the blue ice extent after joining the glacier has diminished significantly. Below is a closeup of the terminus from 1996 and 2015 illustrating a 225 m retreat and associated thinning.  It is also interesting to note the prominent ash layer has shifted little.  This suggests the terminus area is relatively stagnant. There is no active crevassing in the lower 1 km suggesting retreat will be ongoing.   In 1989 the snowline is at 975 m whereas in 2014 the snowline is at 1125 m.  This higher snowline is too high to maintain the glacier. The snowline in 2015 was again above 1100 m, though it is lower in the mid-August image at 1050 m. The retreat of this glacier is less than neighboring glaciers such as Grewingk, Pederson and Bear Glacier that have calving termini.

harris snowline

Landsat images from 1989 and 2014, with the snowline indicated by purple dots. 

harris terminus

Terminus of Harris Glacier in Google Earth images from 1996 and 2015.  Margin with purple dot, purple arrow indicates 1996 terminus lcoation, with a 225 m retreat by 2015. Note the prominent ash layer

Fingers Glacier, Alaska loses a finger to melting

finger compare
Landsat comparison of terminus area of Fingers Glacier 1986 and 2015

Fingers Glacier flows from the southern end of the Fairweather Range to the coastal plain, where is expands into a segmented piedmont lobe. The southernmost finger is heavily debris covered. In the Mount Fairweather B-4 quadrangle USGS map based on 1951 aerial photographs the glacier has four prominent fingers each eroding its own basin.  Here we examine Landsat imagery to illustrate the changes in this glacier from 1951 to 2015.  From 1950-1980  glacier’s just to the north In Lituya Bay were advancing. The La Perouse Glacier its immediate neighbor to the north was stable. Palma Glacier directly to the southeast has retreated throughout the 1950-2015 period.  Larsen et al (2015) identify that from 1994-2013 this region of Alaska is a significant source of glacier volume loss and hence contributor to sea level rise.  The loss of 75 gigatons per year from glaciers in southern Alaska was determined in this study to be largely from surface melt not from calving losses.  The mass balance of both Taku and Lemon Creek Glacier of the Juneau Icefield have had a notable decline in mean mass balance from 1986-2015 versus the 1951-28985 period (Pelto et al, 2013).  The nearby Brady Glacier also experience a higher snowline (Pelto et al, 2013b) which led to volume losses quantified by Larsen et al (2015).
fingers map

USGS map based on 1951 images

By 1986 the glacier still had four fingers with retreat from the 1951 position yellow arrow to the 1986 position red arrows.  Retreat was 900 m for the first finger, 400 m for the second finger, 300 meters for the third and 400 meters for the fourth southernmost finger.   A new lake had developed at the second finger, well lake expansion occurred at the first and third finger.  By 1999 a lake is beginning to form at the fourth finger.  In 2015 the first finger has retreated 600 meters in 30 years.  The second finger has disappeared after a 700 m retreat from 1986-2015..  The third finger has lost half of its length to the expanding lake, a retreat of 600 m in 30 years.  The fourth finger which is the most debris covered, leading to slower thinning, has retreated 600 meters since 1986, with a lake at the terminus that is continuing to expand.

fingers 1986

1986 Landsat Image

fingers 1999

1999 Landsat Image

fingers 2015

2015 Landsat Image
fingers glacier

Google Earth Image indicating flowlines.

Grand Plateau Glacier Retreat, Alaska

Grand Plateau Glacier drains southwest from Mount Fairweather in southeast Alaska. The glacier advanced during the Little Ice age to the Alaskan coastline. Early maps from 1908 show no lake at the terminus of the glacier. The 1948 map shows three small distinct lakes at the terminus of the main glacier and a just developing lake at the terminus of the southern distributary terminus (D). By 1966 the glacier had retreated enough for the formation of one lake. The distance from the Nunatak N to the terminus was 12 km in 1948. The lake at D is 400 m

USGS map displayed in Google Earth-1948 base images.

Landsat images from 1984, a Google Earth Mosaic of the 2003-2009 period and a Landsat image from 2013 indicate the substantial changes that have occurred. Here both the main terminus and a distributary (D) terminus draining south are examined. The main reference points in each image are the Nunatak, N, and and Island, I. The retreat from 1984-2013 is evident with the yellow arrows indicating the 1984 terminus and pink arrows showing the 2013 terminus location. The distance from the Nunatak to the terminus is 9.6 km in 1984, 6.8 km in the Google Earth image and 3.5 km in 2013. A six kilometer retreat at the glacier center in 30 years. On the north shore of the lake the retreat between arrows is 2.7 km from 1984-2013. From the island the glacier retreated 3.3 km from 1984-2013. The distributary tongue (D) retreated 2.2 km from 1984-2013. The offset of the terminus is 300-350 m indicating a five year retreat rate of 75-90 meters per year. The retreat has been driven by higher snowlines in recent years, the snowline had been reported at 3400 feet in the 1950’s. Satellite imagery of the last decade indicates snowlines averaging 1500 m, red arrows. The glacier snowline is evident in Landsat imagery in 2009 and 2013 red arrows. The combination of higher snowlines and increased calving into the terminus lake will continue to lead to retreat of this still mighty river of ice. This retreat parallels that of nearby Yakutat Glacier, Norris Glacier and Melbern Glacier
grand plateau 1984
1984 Landsat image

grand plateau 2013
2013 Landsat image

grand plateau ge
Google Earth images