Bernardo Glacier, Chile Lake Drainage 2024-Retreat Continues

Bernardo Glacier in Sentinel images from Dec. 26, 2023 and Feb. 9, 2024 illustrating the drainage of the southern end of the proglacial lake by the northern terminus. The lake was full in 2021, partially drained by Oct. 2022, further drained by March 2023 and did not refill through Sept. 2023. The lake refilled between September and December 2023 . And drained again by Feb. 9,2024. Channel location appears to be at Point C. There is 9 km2 of exposed lake bed.

Bernardo Glacier in Sentinel images from Oct. 16, 2022 and Sept. 17, 2023 illustrating the drainage of the southern end of the proglacial lake by the northern terminus (N). The lake was full in 2021, partially drained by Oct. 2022, further drained by March 2023 and has not significantly refilled by Sept. 2023, still 8 km² of exposed lake bed. 

Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from 1986 and 2021 illustrating retreat at the southern (S), middle (M) and northern (N) terminus respectively. Red arrows are 1986 terminus locations, yellow arrows are 2021 terminus locations. Separation from Tempano (T) occurs at southern terminus, while lake expansion occurs at M and N.

Retreat of Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from 2003 and 2015.

In 1986 Bernardo the southern terminus of the glacier was in tenuous contact with Tempano Glacier. The middle terminus primarily ended on an outwash plain with a fringing proglacial lake developing. The northern terminus had retreated a short distance south from a peninsula that had acted as a pinning point. A small lake developed completely separating Bernardo Glacier and Tempano Glacier. By 1998 the northern terminus had retreated into the wider, deeper portion of the lake basin that was now filled with icebergs. In 2015 the northern terminus had retreated 3.5 km since 1986. By 2021 the northern terminus had retreated 4.1 km.  This led to a 7.8 km² lake expansion at the northern terminus, with a total lake area of 17.5 km².

On October 2, 2022 the water level had dropped some, with lake area falling slightly. The lake continued to fall through the summer season of 2023. The lake did not refill through the winter and into the spring, September 2023, with the lake having an area of 9.5 km², and 8 km² of lake bed still exposed. The lake did refill by December 2023, and then drained to an even greater extent then in 2023 as of Feb. 2024. Continue glacier thinning and retreat will reduce the ability of the glacier to continue to dam this lake. Gourlet et al (2016) identify Bernardo Glacier as having thinner ice than other large outlet glaciers such Jorge Montt or O’Higgins, which helps lead to rapid terminus change.

Southern Andean huemel an endemic deer on the foreland beyond Bernardo Glacier (Photograph from Eñaut Izagirre

Bernardo Glacier, Chile Lake Drainage as Retreat Continues

bernardo glacier 2022-2023 spring

Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from Oct. 16, 2022 and Sept. 17, 2023 illustrating the drainage of the southern end of the proglacial lake by the northern terminus (N). The lake was full in 2021, partially drained by Oct. 2022, further drained by March 2023 and has not signficantly refilled by Sept. 2023, still 8 km² of exposed lake bed. 

Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from 1986 and 2021 illustrating retreat at the southern (S), middle (M) and northern (N) terminus respectively. Red arrows are 1986 terminus locations, yellow arrows are 2021 terminus locations. Separation from Tempano (T) occurs at southern terminus, while lake expansion occurs at M and N.

Bernardo Glacier is an outlet glacier on the west side of the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI) that currently ends in an expanding proglacial lake system, with three primary termini.  The northern terminus retreated 4.1 km from 1986-2021 leading to an 8.7 km² lake expansion. Total lake area which had remained filled during this period was Their was a significant drainage of the lake at the north terminus that by late summer of 2023 had left 8 km² of lake bed exposed, and as spring arrives in 2023 has yet to refill.  Davies and Glasser (2012) indicate that over the last century the most rapid retreat was from 2000 to 2011. Willis et a (2012)  note a thinning rate of 3.4 meters per year during this period of the Bernardo Glacier region, which drives the retreat. Eñaut Izagirre conducted fieldwork in this area in 2019 and provided two images from the middle terminus of Bernardo Glacier, see below.

Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from 1998 and 2020 illustrating retreat at the southern (S), middle (M) and northern (N) terminus respectively. Proglacial lakes not yet signficant in 1998, expansive by 2020. Red arrows are 1986 terminus locations, yellow arrows are 2021 terminus locations. Separation from Tempano (T) occurs at southern terminus, while lake expansion occurs at M and N.

In 1986 Bernardo the southern terminus of the glacier was in tenuous contact with Tempano Glacier.  The middle terminus primarily ended on an outwash plain with a fringing proglacial lake developing.  The northern terminus had retreated a short distance south from a peninsula that had acted as a pinning point. A small lake developed completely separating Bernardo Glacier and Tempano Glacier. By 1998 the northern terminus had retreated into the wider,deeper portion of the lake basin that was now filled with icebergs. In 2015 the northern terminus had retreated 3.5 km since 1986. By 2021 the northern terminus had retreated 4.1 km.  This led to a 7.8 km² lake expansion at the northern terminus, with a total area of 17.5 km². On October 2, 2022 the water level had dropped some, with lake area falling slightly. The lake continued to fall through the summer season of 2023. The lake has not refilled through the winter and into the spring of 2023, with the lake having an area of 9.5 km², and 8 km² of lake bed still exposed. Will the lake refill this summer or drop even further? Gourlet et al (2016) identify Bernardo Glacier as having thinner ice than other large outlet glaciers such Jorge Montt or O’Higgins, which helps lead to rapid terminus change. Other glaciers experiencing singificant retreat in this region of the Souther Patagonia Icefield include Oriental Glacier, Lucia Glacier, and Ofhidro Glacier.

Southern Andean huemel an endemic deer on the foreland beyond Bernardo Glacier (photograph from Eñaut Izagirre).

Middle terminus of Bernardo Glacier in 2019 taken by Eñaut Izagirre who considers this a condor-view

Sentinel images illustrating drop in lake level and resulting lake drainage from Oct. 2, 2022 to Sept. 17, 2023.

Retreat of Bernardo Glacier in Landsat images from 2003 and 2015.

Tyndall Glacier, Chile April 2023 Calving Retreat

Tyndall Glacier in Sentinel images from March 11, 2023 and April 12, 2023 indicating the calving event and three icebergs generated.

Tyndall Glacier is a large outlet glacier of the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI). This glacier has an area of over 300 km². The main glacier terminus is in Lago Geikie, which began to form around 1940, and the east terminus previously terminated in Lago Tyndall. Laboratorie de Glaciologie reports on both the retreat of this glacier and the Lago Geikie water depth. Extendingaross the middle half of the lake from the 2003 terminus location most of the way to the southern margin  of the lake is a basin that is over 200 m deep.Weidemann et al (2018) indicate a -2.5 m/year mass balance loss for the glacier from 2000-2014, much of the loss resulting from frontal ablation, that has driven the continued thinning and retreat. This thinning has exposed dinosaur fossilson the east margin 12 km upglacier of the terminus (NASA EO, 2022).

Tyndall Glacier change from 1986 to 2023 in Landsat images indicating the retreat and lake expansion from 12 km² to 21 km². Red dots the 1986 termins, yellow dots the 2023 terminus locaiton.

The glacier experienced a significant calving event and associated recession in April 2023, with a 1.5 km² recession from March 11-April 12, 2023. This has increased the area of Lago Geikie to 21 km². In 1986 the area of the lake was 12 km² and the glacier was in contact with Lago Tyndall. Recession had expanded the lake to 17 km² by 2003,  and 18 km² by 2010 when the glacier separated from Lago Tyndall. In 2003 a similar calving event took place as the glacier lost much of its protruding central tongue, see iceberg below. From 2013 to 2022 terminus retreat was limited though thinning continued. In late March or Early April of 2023 first the central terminus tongue broke off as seen on April 5. A significant rift is evident that then led to a larger calving event prior to April 12. Is this the largest calving event in the last two decades for this glacier?  There is a surface steepening within a 1/2 km of the current terminus indicating a reduction in lake depth. Sakakibara and Sugiyama, (2014)report a decelaration of this glacier from 1986-2011 and a retreat rate of ~100 m/year during this interval. The calving event is similar to the breakup of the terminus tongue I noted at Soler Glacier this year. This is a more active front experiencing a calving retreat similar to that of Glacier O’Higgins.

Tyndall Glacier change from 2003 to 2008 in Landsat images indicating the retreat and lake expansion from 17 km² to 18 km².

Tyndall Glacier change from 2013 to 2022 in Landsat images indicating the limited retreat and lake expansion.

Tyndall Glacier on April5, 2023 in Sentinel imagery indicating rift and iceberg.

Glaciers Across the Central Andes Snowcover Free Summer 2023

Bajo del Plomo Glacier, Argentina in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, and rapid bedrock expansion at Point A-C. This is 2nd consecutive year without retained snowcover for this glacier at the head of the Rio Plomo.

For an alpine glacier to thrive it must remain 50-60% snowcovered throughout the year, even at the end of the summer. To survive it must have consistent significant snowcover at the end of summer, indicative of a persistent accumulation zone. This year in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile I have chronicled the near total loss of snowpack through February, leading to dirty/dark snowcover free glaciers. This is a same story we observed in 2022, though snowcover was lost in January last year (Pelto, 2022). The consecutive summers with glaciers laid bare results in significant losses. The darker bare surfaces of the glacier melt faster leading to more rapid area and volume loss.  This includes fragmentation and rapid expansion of bedrock areas amidst the glacier. We saw in the Pacific Northwest two consecutive summers with limited snowcover retained. Hopefully the Central Andes region will experience a good winter much as the Mount Shasta, CA area has in winter 2023.

Here is an update at the end of the summer using false color Sentinel imagery to highlight a sample of these glaciers that have remained largely bare for two months.  Individual posts during 2022 or 2023 include: Volcan Peteroa glaciers, Rio Atuel glaciers, Sollipulli Glacier, Palomo-Cipreses Glacier,  Bajo del Plomo Glacier Cortaderal Glacier, Volcan San Jose Glaciers , Cobre Glacier, Olivares Beta and Gamma Glaciers and Volcan Overo Glaciers,

Olivares Beta and Gamma Glacier, Chile  in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, retreating away from proglacial lakes and bedrock expansion. This is 2nd consecutive year without retained snowcover for these glaciers.

Nevado Piquenes, Argentina has less than 5% snowcover retained in this Sentinel image, right near the 6000+ m summit.

Bello and Yeso Glacier, Chile have no trace of snowcover for 2nd consecutive summer. The dirtier surface is leading to faster melt.

El Morado Glacier, Chile has no trace of snowcover for 2nd consecutive summer. The dirtier surface is leading to faster melt, and fragmenting.

Volcan San Jose Glaciers in Sentinel image continues to fragment with a 2nd consecutive year without retained snowcove.

Cortaderal Glacier, Chile in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, leading to terminus tongue loss at Point A.

Corto, Fiero and Humo Glacier, Argentina with no retained snowcover in 2023, for 2nd consecutive summer. These glaciers feed the Rio Atuel, and their rapid retreat will lead to less summer glacier runoff.


Volcan Overo in Sentinel image continues to fragment with no retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion causing fragementation at Point A, B and C.

Tinguiririca Glacier, Chile drains into the river of the same name. In 2023 this fragmenting glacier lost all its snowcover for 2nd consecutive summer.


Cobre Glacier, Argentina lost all its snowcover in 2023, just like 2022. Here it has separated at Point B and nearly so at Point A.

Volcan Peteroa Glacier, Chile/Argentina border in Sentinel image continues to fragment at Point A with no retained snowcover, this is also leading to lake expansion at Point B.

Map of Central Andes indicating glacier locations from 33-36° S that we focus on here.

Soler Glacier, Chile Terminus Tongue Breakup in 2023

Soler Glacier, Chile terminus tongues is 1.9 km long on 12-26-2022 and by 3-21-2023 it has broken up, with four larger bergs A-D. False color Sentinel images.

In 2020 I noted that the Soler Glacier “terminus tongue in its lowest 1.5 km continue to thin and will collapse in the lake in the near future.” Here the breakup of this tongue in 2023 is reported. Soler Glacier is an outlet glacier on the east side of the Northern Patagonia Icefield (NPI). The terminus response of this glacier was slower and more limited than on most NPI glaciers, just 200-350 from 1944 to 1984 (Aniya and Fujita 1986).  Glasser et al (2016) note the recent 100 m rise in snowline elevations for the NPI, which leads to the 2 m thinning per year identified by Willis et al, (2012)  in the ablation zone from 1987-2011.  Loriaux and Casassa (2013) examined the expansion of lakes on the Northern Patagonia Ice Cap reporting that from 1945 to 2011 lake area expanded 65%, 66 km2.

Soler Glacier had no proglacial lake in 1987. By 2000 a small lake had developed both on the north and south side of the main terminus with a total area of ~0.3 km2 see Mike Hambrey image below. In 2016  lake had expanded, with the northern arm mostly filled with ice.For Soler Glacier lake formation did not occur until the last decade reaching an area of 1 km² by 2020. As the 2022/23 melt season began the glacier had a 1.9 km long central tongue extending down the middle of the lake, that had an area of 1.4 km², as evidenced on Dec. 26, 2022. By early March the tongue had broken up as revelaed by the Sentinel image on March 21, 2023. On this date the lake surface has refrozen on the south side and has some new snow on it. The lake has expanded to 2.75 km², with the largest iceberg B, occupying 10% of the lake. The lake expansion is small compared to Steffen Glacier or San Quintin Glacier, but just as significant for this smaller glacier.

Soler Glacier in 1987 and 2020 Landsat images.  Red arrow indicates 1987 terminus location, yellow arrow indicates 2020 terminus location on north side of glacier.  Yellow dots indicate margin of lake and purple arrows indicate specific locations where glacier thinning is evident.

Soler Glacier in 2020 and 2023 Landsat images.  Red arrow indicates 1987 terminus location, yellow arrow indicates 2020 terminus location on north side of glacier.  Yellow dots indicate margin of lake and purple arrows indicate specific locations where glacier thinning is evident in 2020.

Mike Hambrey Photograph of Soler Glacier in  2000, illustrating narrow nature of the proglacial lake.


Soler Glacier in 2016 Landsat image.  Red arrow indicates 1987 terminus location, yellow arrow indicates 2020 terminus location on north side of glacier. Lake area is still limited.


Volcan Peteroa Glaciers Argentina/Chile Fragment During Snow Cover Free Summers

Volcan Peteroa glaciers in Sentinel images from March 2016 (below) and March 2023 (above). This illustrates fragmentation, 50% area loss, and a new lake formation. All the result of repeated snowcover free glaciers. 

For an alpine glacier to survive it must remain mostly snowcovered throughout the year, even at the end of the summer. This is one reason for the majesty of glaciated mountains, they shine brightly even in summer.  This summer in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile, just as in 2022, I have chronicled the near total loss of snowpack due to summer heat waves, leading to dirty/dark glaciers (Pelto, 2022).  The heat wave this summer led to maximum temperature anomalies 3-5 C during the first half of March in the Central Andes of Argentina (SMN Argentina, 2023). An ice surface melts faster than a snow surface and the darker surface of the glacier also enhances melt rate leading to more rapid area and volume loss. This includes fragmentation and rapid expansion of bedrock areas amidst the glacier, other regional glacier obsrvations include: Sollipulli Glacier, Rio Atuel Glaciers, Palomo-Cipreses Glacier and Volcan Overo Glaciers,Here we examine Volcan Peteroa glaciers on its north flanks, which straddles the Chlile-Argentina border during the 2016-2023 period using Sentinel images. Reinthaler et al 2019 observed a ~2% annual area loss of Volcan Peteroa glaciers.

Here we examine the impact of several years of snow cover loss on the Volcan Peteroa glaciers. In 2016 it is evident there are six key ice masses on the north flank of the glacier A-F, with a combined area of 4.5 km².  In 2022 early snowcover loss led to rapid glacier thinning and lake formation, see below.  In 2023 the glacier at Point A has contracted by 50% to 0.22 km². At Point B and C the glacier has separated and is now two fragments with area of 0.36 km²  and 0.12 km² respectively. At Point D a new lake has expanded rapidly in 2022 and 2023, the lake has an area of 0.12 km² and the glacier a area of  1.21 km².  At Point E the glacier fragmented and pulled away from D and its two fragments have an of 0.36 km². At Point F the glacier has melted away. The combined area of 2.27 km² is ~50% of the glacier area just seven years prior. This is much faster than the 2% loss of the 1986-2015 period. The significant darkening of the snowfree surface will speed the loss of this glacier that no longer has a consistent accumulation zone.

Volcan Peteroa Glacier in false color Sentinel image continues to fragment with ~2% retained snowcover in 2022.  New lake at Point D. A small fragment of ice is apparent at Point F. and bedrock expansion at Point A. New lake has also formed.

Snowcover Free Glaciers Generates Fragmenting in Central Andes, Chile

Snowcover free glaciers in the Central Andes in 2014 ad 2023 Landsat images. The ongoing fragmentation and retreat is evident at Point A-H, see closeup details below. The glacier as Point B has melted away, At Point G and H glacier tributaries have separated from the Norte Cipreses Glacier in the valley below. At Point D-F expanding bedrock areas amidst glacier driving further fragmentation. Glaciers at Point A and C rapidly melting away. 

Palomo Glacier and North Cipreses  are three comparatively large glaciers in the Central Andes of Chile. The three glaciers are adjacent to each other with the Palomo and Coton Glacier feeding  the Rio Cortaderal. Rio Cortaderal is part of the Cachapoal River watershed that supplies two Pacific Hydro projects; a 110 MW run of river project at Chacayes and a  78 MW Coya run of river project. Norte Cipreses Glacier feeds the Rio Cipreses. These glaciers are important water resource from December-March Bravo et al (2017) quantified this resource for adjacent Universidad Glacier, which supplied 10-13% of all melt season runoff to the Tinguirica Basin. La Quesne et al (2009) reported that Palomo Glacier retreated 1160 m from 1955-1978 and advanced ~50 m 1987-2007, due tot Palomo Glacier having an equilibrium balance durng the 1987-2000 period. Pelto (2022) reported a retreat of the glacier front of 1250 m from 2002-2022.  Here we examine the changes of this glacier from 2014-2023 using Landsat 8 and 9 images along with Sentinel images, that illustrate the impact of essentially snowcover free glaciers during the summer of  2022 and 2023 due largely to a January heat wave in 2022 (Washington Post, 2022) and February heat wave in 2023 (Pelto, 2023).

Point A is a small glacier in a south facing cirque below Alto de los Pejerreyes. From 2014 to 2023 area declined from 0.3 km² to 0.1 km². There is remanent glacier ice, but this is no longer active ice and will soon disappear. At Point B in 2014 the area of remanent glacier ice is 0.1 km², by 2023 it is gone. At Point C the glacier has declined from  0.35 km² to 0.15 km² and retreated 300 m from 2014-2023.  At Point D a bedrock area amidst the Maria Angeles Glacier, has expanded from 0.04 km² to 0.20 km², this reflects the lack of flow now reaching the terminus, which retreated 700 m from 2014-2023. At Point E the glacier has retreated 300 m and is separating into three fragments. At Point F the bedrock area amist Palomo Glacier has expanded from 1.1 km² to 1.7 km² between 2016 and 2023. This again reflects diminineshed flow to the terminus which has retreated 800 m during this period, ~100 m/year.  At Point G two glacier tongues connected to the Norte Cipreses Glacier in the valley below in 2014. By 2018 they had nealy separated and by 2023 they had completely separated from the glacier below, retreating 200-300 m to the top of this bedrock step. At Point H, the glacier disconnected from Norte Cipreses Glacier in the valley below after 2002 and retreated 300 m from 2014-2023. There is also a new expanding bedrock area high on the glacier, Point I below. The story is not unique with Sollipulli Glacier to the south and Rio Atuel glaciers in the next watershed to the east also having lost their snowcover in 2022 and 2023.

Retreat of Palomo Glacier from 2016 (red arrow) to 2023 (yellow arrow), 800 m. Separation of tributaries at G, yellow arrows that had fed Norte Cipreses Glacier. False color Sentinel images.


Glacier loss at Point B, Glacier retreat at Point C, yellow arrows marks 2016 location. Bedrock expansion at Point D, E and I. retreat from green arrow to yellow arrow of the Maria Angeles Glacier terminating near Point D. Glacier retreat at Point H, yellow arrows marks 2016 location. False color Sentinel images.

Glacier O’Higgins, Chile Rapid Calving Retreat 2016-2023

Glacier O’Higgins in February 16, 2023 Sentinel image with the 2002, 2016 and 2019 terminus also indicated. Point D marks a detached lobe on of ice on the northern margin in 2023. Point F marks the southern margin terminus front.

Glacier O’Higgins is a large outlet glacier of the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI) that terminates in Lago O’Higgins. Cassasa et al (1997) report that from 1896-1979 the glacier had retreated 13.8 km up an inlet of Lago O’Higgins.  The glacier remained stable in this position from 1979-1986 with a retreat of 800 m from 1986-1995.  Schaefer et al (2015) examined the mass balance of SPI and found Glacier O’Higgins had a calving flux of 2.15-2.97 cubic kilometers/year, and a calving front velocity of 2300 m/year. Malz et al (2018) noted a mean elevation change of -1.04 m/year for Glacier O’Higgins from 2000-2016, with the greatest thinning near the terminus.  Despite this thinning there is limited retreat during this period as the glacier terminated on a shallow bedrock sill (Gorlet et al 2016). They observed that the bed elevation of O’Higgins dropped off into a deeper basin beyond this ~1 km wide sill and remained below sea level for 15-20 km inland of the 2012 ice front location. Here we use 2016-2023 Landsat imagery to update changes observed from 1986-2018.

Topographic map of the terminus area of Glacier O’Higgins, with the ~2016 terminus. Note the elevation step at both the 2016 terminus sill and the sill just upglacier of the 2023 terminus.

From 2002-2016 retreat is limited with the terminus located on a sill, then in 2016 the glacier begins to retreat off of the sill into the deeper sub-glacial basin leading to a rapid retreat from January 2016 to February 2019 of  1900 m on the southern margin, 1800 m in the center and 600 m on the north side, with total recession of 3.0 km². The calving front was 1.75 km widenwith the glacier having retreated into a confined channel. From 2019-2023 the rapid retreat across the sub-glacial basin continued isolating a stagnant region on the north side of the terminus (Point D). The main calving front in 2023 is 1.6 km long with the stagnant region still calving as well. The recession from 2016-2023has been 7 km² with 4 km² from 2019-2023.  The retreat since 2016 has been 3000 m on the northern margin, 3700 m in the center and 3500 m on the souther margin. The glacier along the southern margin in 2023 is near the next bedrock sill as identified by Millan et al (2019).  The sub-glacial basin between sills is ~4-5 km across, helping drive the rapid retreat across the basin. This is evident in the topographic map as well. The northern terminus still is over deep water, and has ~1 km to retreat to reach the sill crest.  Millan et al (2019) Figure 3 illustrates this is a wide sill that should provide short-term terminus stability until further thinning driven by mass balance losses leads to retreat much as occurred from 2000-2016. The retreat of this glacier is similar to that of Dickson Glacier and Upsala Glacier.

Glacier O’Higgins in Jnauary 9, 2016 Sentinel image Point D marks a detached lobe on of ice on the northern margin in 2023. Point F marks the southern margin terminus front in 2023.

Glacier O’Higgins in February 10, 2019 Sentinel image . Point D marks a detached lobe on of ice on the northern margin in 2023. Point F marks the southern margin terminus front in 2023.

Glacier O’Higgins in February 16, 2023 Sentinel image with the 2002, 2016 and 2019 terminus also indicated. Point D marks a detached lobe on of ice on the northern margin in 2023. Point F marks the southern margin terminus front. LM marks the lateral moraine from the Little Ice Age. FF is the forefield that has been deglaciated for ~50 years.

Sollipulli Glacier, Chile Rapid Melt: Fire and Ice February 2023

Sollipulli Glacier, Chile snowcover loss during summer 2023 heat wave in false color Sentinel images from January 20-Feb. 9. Snowcover delcined from 94% to 12% in 20 days.

Nevados de Sollipulli is a volcano, is in the central Andes of Chile near the border with Argentina in Parque Nacional Villarica, Chile. The 4 km wide summit caldera at ~2100 m is filled by a glacier.  In 2022 the summer heat waves stripped the glacier of all snowpack in January and that persisted through March, see below (Pelto, 2022). The volcano is dormant last producing lava flows 700 years ago and last erupting 2900 years ago (NASA, 2017). Reinthaler et al (2019) identified a 27% decline in glacier area from 1986-2015 on 59 volcanoes in the Andes. The study included Sollipulli where the area declined from 16.2 kmin 1986, 20 12.5 km2 in 1999 and 11.1 km2 in 2015 (Reinthaler et al 2019). Here we examine Landsat imagery illustrating the recession from 1986-2022 and the loss of all snowcover for most of the summer of 2022. The summer of 2022 led to early summer loss of most/all the snowpack on Central Andes glaciers from 30-40 S. (Pelto, 2022).

This summer central Chile has experienced a persistent extreme heat wave that has generated ongoing disastrous forest fires (NASA EO, 2023), CONAF continues to update the fire area daily. Most of the Solllipulli Glacier is at  2000-2200 m elevation, CECS has a weather station at 1900 m on nearby Volcan Villarrica that had a high temperature on Jan. 29 and Feb. 4 of  over 24 C. The highe tempertature has been above 16 C everday from Jan. 28 to Feb. 8 (see below). This has led to the snowcover diminishing rapidly on Sollipulli Glacier from January 20 to February 9, 2023. The glacier was 94% snowcovered on Jan. 20, 84% on January 30, 35% on Feb. 4 and 12% on Feb. 9. How long until it is down to 0%? This blog will be updated in this coming week to identify that and to better quantify the heat. By February 17, 2023 snowcover is down to 1%

Sollipulli Glacier, Jan. 20, 2022 and fifty five days later the glacier is still bare of snowpack.

Sollipulli Glacier on Feb. 17, 2023 in false color Sentinel image, 1% snowcover left.

Temperature from the CECS station on Volcan Villarica at 1900 m. showing the average minimum and maximum.


Sollipulli Volcano Glacier Recession Snow Cover Deficit

Landsat images of Sollipulli from 1986 and 2022. Point A-D are locations where the glacier spilled out of the caldera in 1986, but no longer does so in 2022.

Nevados de Sollipulli is a volcano, is in the central Andes of Chile near the border with Argentina in Parque Nacional Villarica, Chile. The 4 km wide summit caldera at ~2100 m is filled by a glacier. The volcano is dormant last producing lava flows 700 years ago and last erupting 2900 years ago (NASA, 2017). Reinthaler et al (2019) identified a 27% decline in glacier area from 1986-2015 on 59 volcanoes in the Andes. The study included Sollipulli where the area declined from 16.2 km2 in 1986, 20 12.5 km2 in 1999 and 11.1 km2 in 2015 (Reinthaler et al 2019). Here we examine Landsat imagery illustrating the recession from 1986-2022 and the loss of all snowcover for most of the summer of 2022. The summer of 2022 led to early summer loss of most/all the snowpack on Central Andes glaciers from 30-40 S. (Pelto, 2022)

In 1986 a Landsat 5 image illustrates that the glacier not only fills but overflows the caldera at Points A-D, with Point A and B feeding significant glacier area. The glacier is also almost completely snowcovered in late February. In 2003 the glacier is still spilling over at Point A, and is almost entirely snowcovered in mid-February. On January 8, 2022 the glacier is already 95% free of snowcover with some snow patches on the NW margin. By January 24 the glacier is 99% snow free and remains snow free through mid-March in a Landsat and Sentinel image from 3-13 and 3-16 respectively. There is a small patch of relict glacier ice near Point B, while the former glacier at Point A has disappeared. The annual layering preserved in the glacier ice as seen in the Landsat Band 5 image will continue to evolve as the glacier thins.  The dirty nature of this ice enhances solar radiation melting, particularly compared to snowcover.  Two months of exposure at the 2100 m elevation ice cap will have led to several meters of ice loss. The extent of the glacier has declined to 10.2 km2 in March 2022 a 37% decline since 1986.

Landsat images indicating the near complete snowcover in Landsat 7 image from 2003 and the loss of all snowcover that continued from January until at least March 13 2022. Note the annual layers preserved in the glacier ice now exposed at the surface.

Sollipulli Glacier in early January with only a fringing area of snowpack along the northwest margin. Sixty-four days later the glacier is still bare of snowpack.

Central Andean Glaciers Laid Bare for Last Half of Summer 2022

Volcan Overo in Sentinel image continues to fragment with no retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

For an alpine glacier to survive it must remain mostly snowcovered throughout the year, even at the end of the summer. This is one reason for the majesty of glaciated mountains, they shine brightly even in summer.  This year in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile I have chronicled the near total loss of snowpack in January due to early summer warmth, leading to dirty/dark glaciers.  This is a similar story to what we saw in the Pacific Northwest last summer. Here is an update at the end of the summer using Sentinel imagery to highlight that these glaciers have remained largely bare for two months. The darker surfaces of the glacier melt faster leading to more rapid area and volume loss.  This includes fragmentation and rapid expansion of bedrock areas amidst the glacier. Earlier observations indicate this is a regional issue this summer with snowpack lost from Bajo del Plomo Glacier Cortaderal GlacierPalomo Glacier, Volcan Overo Glaciers, Volcan San Jose Glaciers , Cobre Glacier and Olivares Beta and Gamma Glaciers across the Central Andes of Chile and Argentina

Cortaderal Glacier in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Volcan San Jose Glaciers in Sentinel image continues to fragment with ~5% retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Las Vacas Glaciers in Sentinel image continues to fragment with no retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Olivares Beta and Gamma Glacier  in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, retreating away from proglacial lakes and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Bajo del Plomo Glacier in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, and rapid bedrock expansion at Point A.

Palomo Glacier in Sentinel image with no retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Volcan Peteroa Glacier in Sentinel image continues to fragment with ~2% retained snowcover this summer, and bedrock expansion at Point A.

Volcan San Jose, Central Andes Glacier Decline and Snowcover Loss in 2022.

Volcan San Jose, Chile/Argentina Glacier change in Landsat 5-7-9 images from 1991, 2001 and 2022. Red arrows indicate the 1991 terminus location of three glaciers draining from the summit region, including Nieves Negras Glacier (NN). Point A-D are locations of expanding bedrock amidst the glacier.  Snowpack very limited in 2022.

Volcan San Jose is a 5850 m glacier draped volcano that straddles the Argentina-Chile border. Here we focus on the glaciers on its souther flank including the Nieves Negras Glacier. Nieves Negras drains into Rio Volcan a tributary of Rio Maipo, while the Argentina terminating glaciers drain into Rio Salinillas.  Ayala et al (2020)  examined glacier change from 1955–2016 in the Rio Maipo Basin and found a decreasing glacier mass balance trend and that glacier volume decreased by 20%. Dussaillant et al (2019) identified slower mass loss  -0.28 m/year in this region from 2000-2018, than further south in the Patagonia Andes or north in the Tropical Andes. Here we examine glacier changes from 1991 to 2022 with Landsat imagery and the low snowpack conditions of 2022 with Landsat and Sentinel images.

In 1991 Nieves Negras and the Rio Salinillas headwater glaciers terminated between 3100 and 3200 m.  The snowline is at 4500 m, and there is insignificant bedrock exposed at Point B and C.  By 2001 limited retreat had occurred, while bedrock exposure is apparent at Point B. The snowline is at 4600 m in 2001. In February of 2022, the glacier has retained less than 10% snowcover, with the snowline at 5200 m. The surface is notably dirty, which has enhanced melting during this summer.  Bedrock area at Point A is now 0.25 km2. Bedrock exposed at Point B has now generated two medial moraines. The bedrock exposed at Point C now has an area of 0.1 km2. At Point D there is nearly continuous bedrock extending along the ridge that marks the International boundary and the east margin of Nieves Negras. Glacier retreat of Nieves Negras is 1.7 km, there is stagnant ice below the current terminus. The debris cover obscures the actual terminus of the glacier at the headwaters of Rio Salinillas. While the northern terminus location indicates a retreat of 900 m.

The lack of snowcover matches that seen in other glacier of the Central Andes in summer 2022 such as ate the runoff into the Rio Plomo  Earlier observations indicate this is a regional issue this summer with snowpack lost from Bajo del Plomo Glacier,  Cortaderal GlacierPalomo Glacier, Volcan Overo Glacier and Olivares Beta and Gamma Glaciers across the Central Andes of Chile and Argentina

Volcan San Jose glaciers in Feb. 17, 2022 Sentinel image. This highlights just how dirty the ice surface is and how limited the retained snowcover is.